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Cloney's Modularization: Building Your Project Block by Block

Cloney offers a practical approach to modularizing your Git repositories, enabling you to create well-structured projects by joining multiple template repositories into a single, organized directory, just like LEGO blocks! This approach promotes efficient template reuse and effective project management. In this documentation, we'll explore how Cloney's modularization capabilities can simplify your workflow.

The Modularization Workflow

To modularize a project with Cloney, follow these straightforward steps:

1. Create a Project Directory

Begin by creating the root directory for your project. This directory will serve as the location for all the modules you intend to include.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

2. Clone Template Repositories

Utilize the clone command to clone template repositories into your project directory. For instance, let's say you need both a backend and a frontend for your project:

# Clone a Java REST API template repository into the 'api' directory.
cloney clone -v api-vars.yaml -o api

# Clone a React frontend template repository into the 'frontend' directory.
cloney clone -v front-vars.yaml -o frontend

In this example, we've cloned a Java REST API template repository into the api directory and a React frontend template repository into the frontend directory. These template repositories are just fictitious examples, but you can use any template repositories you'd like.

When cloning repositories with Cloney, the hidden .git folder from the cloned template repositories is not included. This ensures that everything remains within a single repository, and you won't have multiple .git directories to manage.

3. Module Organization

You now have a series of modules within your project directory, each representing a specific part of your project. Organize these modules according to your project's structure and requirements.

  ├── (Project README)
  ├── api/
  │   ├── ... (REST API files and directories)
  ├── frontend/
  │   ├── ... (React frontend files and directories)
  └── ... (Additional modules as needed)

With Cloney's modularization, you can efficiently build your project by incorporating components from various template repositories, ensuring a well-organized and productive development process.