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Go Templates: Conditional Statements

In Cloney template repositories, you can employ conditional statements to make your templates react dynamically to various conditions. These conditionals allow you to control the flow of your templates, showing or hiding content based on specific criteria.

The if Statement

To use conditional statements in Go templates, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Condition: Begin by defining the condition you want to check. For example, you can check if a variable is equal to a specific value.

  2. Use the if Statement: Employ the if statement to initiate the conditional check. The basic syntax is as follows:

    {{ if .condition }}
        Content to display when the condition is true.
    {{ else }}
        Content to display when the condition is false.
    {{ end }}
    • .condition represents the expression or variable you want to evaluate.
    • The content inside the if block will be displayed if the condition is true.
    • The content inside the else block will be displayed if the condition is false.
  3. Execute Actions: Within the if and else blocks, you can execute actions or access data depending on the condition.

The if and else Statements

Here's an example of using the if and else statements to check if a variable equals a specific value:

{{ if eq .status "active" }}
   This is an active item.
{{ else }}
   This item is not active.
{{ end }}

In this example, we're checking the status variable to see if it's equal to the string "active".

The else if Statement

You can also use the else if statement to check multiple conditions in a structured manner. Here's how you can use it:

{{ if eq .status "active" }}
   This is an active item.
{{ else if eq .status "inactive" }}
   This item is inactive.
{{ else }}
   The status is neither active nor inactive.
{{ end }}

In this example, we're checking the status variable and providing different responses based on the possible values.

Multiple Conditions

You can also use multiple conditions by combining conditions using or and and operators, for example.

Here's an example of combining conditions using the or operator:

{{ if or (eq .status "active") (eq .priority "high") }}
   This item has a high priority or is active.
{{ else }}
   This item is not high priority and not active.
{{ end }}

In this example, we're checking if the status is equal to "active" or the priority is equal to "high".

Important Considerations

  • Go templates follow Go's comparison operators, such as eq for equality, ne for not equal, lt for less than, and gt for greater than.