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joinSingleQuote Function

The joinSingleQuote function is similar to the joinDoubleQuote function, but it takes a list and a separator and returns a string with the list elements separated by the specified separator and enclosed in single quotes. This function is useful when you need to generate text for scripting languages or scenarios where single quotes are the preferred choice for string delimiters.


  • list: The list of elements that you want to join within single quotes.
  • separator: The string that should separate the elements within the single quotes.

Return Value

The joinSingleQuote function returns a string with the list elements joined together, separated by the specified separator, and enclosed in single quotes.


Here's an example of how to use the joinSingleQuote function in a Cloney template:

servers=({{ joinSingleQuote .servers " " }})

for server in "${servers[@]}"; do
    echo "Processing server: $server"

Suppose we have the following list of servers:

  - server1
  - server2
  - server3

When used in the Cloney template, it will generate content like:

servers=('server1' 'server2' 'server3')

for server in "${servers[@]}"; do
    echo "Processing server: $server"


This function is available in Cloney 1.0.0 and later.