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The Cloney Metadata File

To harness the full potential of Cloney Template Repositories, it's crucial to grasp the structure and content of the .cloney.yaml metadata file. This file serves as the blueprint for your template, defining its characteristics, variables, and default settings. Below is an illustrative example of a .cloney.yaml file:

manifest_version: v1

name: Bank Site
description: A template to create a site for a bank.
  - Chico Buarque
  - Freddie Mercury
  - John Lennon
license: MIT
template_version: "1.1.0"

    - development/*.html
    - images/*.jpg

  - name: app_name
    description: The name of your application.
    default: my_app
    example: my_app

  - name: enable_https
    description: Wheter to enable HTTPS or not.
    example: true

  - name: currencies
    description: List of currencies to use.
      - Real
      - US Dollar
      - Yen

manifest_version: The version of the Cloney manifest file used in the template, ensuring compatibility with different versions of Cloney.

name: The name of your template, providing a clear identifier for users.

description: A brief but informative description of your template's purpose and functionality.

authors: A list of contributors or creators of the template, acknowledging their role in its development.

license: The licensing information for your template, specifying how others can use and distribute it.

template_version: The version number of your template, allowing users to identify different releases.

configuration: A section that allows you to configure some optional aspects of your template.

variables: A list of variables that users can customize during the cloning process.

Template Configuration

The .cloney.yaml metadata file also allows you to configure some aspects of your template. These configurations are optional and can be omitted if you don't require them.

Ignore Paths: This configuration allows you to specify a list of paths to ignore when cloning the template. This is useful for excluding files that are not relevant to the template's customization process.

Template Variables

Within the .cloney.yaml metadata file, Cloney allows you to define variables that users can customize during the cloning process. These variables play a central role in enabling dynamic template creation, ensuring that users can tailor templates to their specific requirements.

Name: Assign a unique identifier to each variable, making it easy for users to reference and customize.

Description: Provide a clear and concise description of each variable's purpose. These descriptions guide users in understanding how each variable affects the template.

Default (Optional): Specify a default value for each variable. This value is used when a user doesn't provide a custom value during the cloning process. If this field is omitted, Cloney assumes that the variable is mandatory and must be informed by the user.

Example Value: Every variable must include an example value that demonstrates how it should be formatted and used. This example serves as a practical reference for users, helping them correctly configure variables within their customized templates.

Validate (Optional): This parameter determines whether the variable's value should undergo validation when it is cloned. By default, this setting is enabled (true). Although not recommended, you have the option to disable validation by setting this field to false. Disabling validation can be particularly beneficial for variables with dynamic characteristics, such as variables that may assume various types or maps with dynamically changing keys.