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start Command

Start a new Cloney template repository using the start command. This command creates a directory with all the necessary files to begin a new Cloney template repository.


Flag Description Default Value
-a, --authors stringArray Specifies the authors of the template repository. []
-d, --description string Specifies the description of the template repository. "A Cloney template repository"
-l, --license string Specifies the license of the template repository. "MIT"
-n, --name string Specifies the name of the template repository. "cloney-template"
-y, --non-interactive Skip questions and use default values and/or flags. false
-o, --output string Specifies the directory where the template repository will be saved. "cloney-template"

Example 1: Basic Template Creation

Start a new template repository with interactive prompts:

cloney start

Example 2: Non-Interactive Mode

Start a new template repository with default values and skip prompts:

cloney start -y